111.12 |
- 計量合作備忘錄(延長)
Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Metrology
- 越南VMI, Vietnam
108.10 |
- 計量合作備忘錄(第二次修約)
Second Amendment of the MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Metrology between PTB and NML
- 德國PTB, Germany
108.03 |
- 計量合作備忘錄
Memorandum of Understanding
- 韓國KRISS, Korea
106.05 |
104.03 |
99.06.29 |
- 計量合作(諒解)備忘錄
MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Metrology
- 中國NIM, China
98.10.24 |
- 計量合作備忘錄(延長)
Prolongation of the MOU on Metrology Cooperation between PTB and NML
- 德國PTB, Germany
97.11.06 |
- 計量合作備忘錄(延長)
Renew NML/KRISS MoU for Scientific and technological cooperation in metrology
- 韓國KRISS, Korea
97.08.27 |
- 意向書
International Coordination of Nanoscale Reference Materials Project of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
- 國際組織計畫
97.05.30 |
- Versailles project on Advanced Materials and Standards
- VAMAS組織會員
93.10.26 |
- 計量合作備忘錄
Agreement on the extension of the MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Metrology between PTB and NML
- 德國PTB, Germany
91.09.26 |
- 材料評估合作備忘錄
Memorandum of Understanding concerning Cooperation in Metrology and Measurement Standards
- 14國15個標準/研究機構
91.06.04 |
- 國際度量衡大會全球相互承認協議
CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement
- 國際度量衡委員會會員
89.11.2 |
- 國際實驗室認證聯盟相互承認協定(ILAC MRA)
- 28國36個組織
88.10.25 |
- 計量合作備忘錄延長協定
Convention about the prolongation of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Cooperation in the field of Metrology
- 德國PTB
88.05.07 |
- 中斐簽署測試服務相互認可協定/南非國家認證體系
Testing Service between CNLA and SANAS
- 南非NLA
86.11.19 |
- 亞太實驗室認證聯盟相互認可協定
APLAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement
- 澳洲(NATA)
- 紐西蘭(IANZ)
- 美國(NVLAP及A2LA)
- 香港(HOKLAS)
- 新加坡(SINGLAS)
86.08.01 |
- 亞太計量組織備忘錄
Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Memorandum of Understanding
- 22經濟體
- 23機構
85.09.13 |
- 國際實驗室證聯盟合作備忘錄
ILAC Memorandum of Understanding
- 國際實驗室證聯盟會員 (ILAC)
84.06.24 |
- 中紐實驗室認證合作備忘錄
Memorandum of Understanding of Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation between CNLA and TELARC
- 紐西蘭 (TELARC)
84.04.04 |
- 亞太實驗室認證聯盟合作組織備忘錄
APLAC Memorandum of Understanding
- 紐西蘭 (TELARC)
83.10.26 |
- 國家量測標準相互認可意願書
Letter of Intent on Mutual Recognition Declaration of National Measurement Standards between NML and NMi
- 荷蘭 (NMi)
83.10.26 |
- 計量領域合作備忘錄
Memorandum of Understanding of Cooperation in the Field of Metrology between NML and PTB
- 德國 (PTB)
82.11.06 |
- 國家校正服務相互認可技術協定
Technical Undertaking Regarding Mutual Recognition of National Calibration Service between NML and NCS
- 南非 (NCS)
82.06.09 |
- 計量與儀器技術合作備忘錄
Memorandum Concerning Technical Cooperation in Metrology and Instrumentation Technology between NML and VNIIFTRI
- 俄羅斯 (VNIIFTRI)
82.06.07 |
- 技術合作協定
Mutual Technical Cooperation Agreement between NML and NMi
- 荷蘭 (NMi)
81.02.12 |
- 計量與儀器技術合作備忘錄
Memorandum Concerning Technical Cooperation in Metrology and Instrumentation Technology between NML and VNIIFTRI
- 俄羅斯 (VNIIFTRI)
80.10.02 |
- 基線場量測技術合作意願備忘錄
Memorandum Concerning Technical Cooperation in Electronic Distance Measurement between NML and FGI
- 芬蘭 (FGI)
80.02.04 |
- 國家量測標準相互認可備忘錄
Memorandum of Mutual Recognition of National Measuring Standards between NML and CSIR
- 南非 (CSIR)
79.04.05 |
- 國家量測系統相互認可協定
Declaration of Mutual Recognition of National Measurement System between NML and CSIR
- 南非 (CSIR)