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National Metrology Laboratories

Country / EconomicAbbreviationName of Organization / Institution


DPM Drejtoria e Pergjithshme e Metrologjise
 Antigua and Barbuda ABBS Bureau of Standards
 Argentina INTI Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia Industrial
 Australia NMIA  National Measurement Institute
 Austria BEV  Bundesamt fur Eich-und Vermessungswesen
 Bangladesh NML-BSTI  National Metrology Laboratory (NML)
 Barbados BNSI  Barbados National Standards Institution
 Belarus Gosstandart  The State Committee for Standardization
 Belgium    Quality and Safety Department, Ministry of Economic  Affairs (Metrology Division), Brussels
 Belize BBS  Belize Bureau of Standards
 Bolivia IBMETRO  Bolivian Institute of Metrology
 Bosnia and Herzegovia IMBIH  Institute of Metrology
 Botswana BOBS  National Standards Body of Botswana
 Brazil INMETRO  Instituto Nacional de Metrologia, Normalizacao e Qualidade  Industrial
 Bulgaria BIM  Bulgarian Institute of Metrology
 Canada NRC  National Research Council Canada
 Caricom CARICOM  Caribbean Community Secretariat
 Chile INN  Instituo Nacional de Normalizacion
 China NIM  National Institute of Metrology
 Colombia SIC  Superintendencia de Industria y Comercio
 Costa Rica LACOMET  Laboratorio Costarricense de Metrología
 Croatia LACOCET  Laboratorio Costarricense de Metrologia
 Cuba NC  Oficina Nacional de Normalización
 Czech Republic CMI  Czech Metrological Institute
 Denmark DFM  Danish Institute of Fundamental Metrology
 Dominican Republic DIGENOR  Instituto Dominicano para la calidad
 Ecuador INEN  Instituto Ecuatoriano de Normalizacion
 Egypt NIS  National Institute for Standards
 Estonia AS METROSERT  AS Metrosert
 Finland MIKES  Center for Metrology and Accreditation
 Former Yugoslav    Republic of Macedonia BOM  Bureau of Metrology of the Republic of Macedonia
 France LNE  Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’essais
 Georgia GEOSTM  Georgian National Agency for Standards and Metrology
 Germany PTB BAM BLV UBA  Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt  Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing  The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety  Umwelt Bundesamt
 Ghana GSA Ghana Standards Authority
 Greece EIM  Hellenic Institute of Metrology
 Grenada GDBS  Grenada Bureau of Standards
 Guyana GNBS  Guyana National Bureau of Standards
 Hong Kong, China SCL  The Standards and Calibration Laboratory
 Hungary MKEH  Hungarian Trade Licensing Office
 India NPLI  National Physics Laboratory
 Indonesia RCM-LIPI  Research Center for Metrology-LIPI
 Iran (Islamic Republic  of)) ISIRI  Iranian National Standards Organization
 Iraq COSQC  Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control
 Ireland NSAI NML  National Standards Authority of Ireland
 Israel INPL  The National Physical Laboratory of Israel
 Italy INRIM The Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
 Jamaica BSJ  The Bureau of Standards Jamaica
 Japan NMIJ AIST National Metrology Institute of Japan National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
 Kazakhstan KazInMetr  The Kazakhstan Institute of Metrology
 Kenya KEBS    Kenya Bureau of Standards  The Weights and Measures Service
 Latvia LATMB  The Metrology Bureau
 Lithuania FTMC  Center for Physical Sciences and Technology
 Luxemburg ILNAS Institut Luxembourgeois de la Normalisation, de l'Accréditation, de la Sécurité et qualité des produits et services
 Malaysia NMIM National Metrology Institute of Malaysia
 Malta MCCAA-SMI  Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority - Standards and Metrology Institute
 Mauritius MSB  Mauritius Standards Bureau
 Mexico CENAM  Centro Nacional de Metrolgia
 Mongolia MASM  Mongolian Agency for Standardization and Metrology
 Montenegro BMM Zavod Za Metrologiju
 Namibia NSI Namibian Standards Institution
 Netherlands VSL  VSL Dutch Metrology Insitute
 New Zealand MSL Measurement Standard Laboratory
 Norway JV Norwegian Metrology Service
 Pakistan NPSL  National Physical and Standards Laboratory
 Paraguay INTN Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia y Normalizacion
 Peru INACAL  National Institute for Quality
 Philippines NMLPHIL  National Measurement Laboratory of the Philippines
 Poland GUM  Główny Urząd Miar
 Portugal IPQ  Instituto Português da Qualidade
 Republic of Korea KRISS  Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science
 Republic of Moldova NMI (MD)  Institutul Naţional de Metrologie
 Romania INM  Institute National de Metrologie
 Russia Federation Rosstandart  Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology
 Saudi Arabian SASO  Saudi Arabian Standards Organization
 Serbia DMDM  Directorate of Measures and Precious Metals
 Seychelles SBS  Seychelles Bureau of Stadnards
 Singapore NMC, A*STAR   HSA  National Metrology Centre, Agency for Science, Technology and Research    Health Sciences Authority
 Slovakia SMU  Slovensky Metrologicki Ustav
 Slovenia MIRS  Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
 South Africa NMISA  National Metrology Institute of South Africa
 Spain CEM  Centro Espanol de Metrologia
 Sri Lanka MUSSD  Measurement Units Standards & Services Department
 Suriname SDTI  Suriname Department of Trade and Industry
 Sweden SP  SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden
 Switzerland METAS  Federal Office of Metrology
 Syrian Arab Republic NSCL  National Standards & Calibration Laboratory
 Taiwan NML  National Measurement Laboratory
 Thailand NIMT  National Institute of Metrology
 Trinidad and Tobago TTBS  Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards
 Tunisia ANM LCAE  Agence National e de la Métrologie Laboratoire Central d’Analyses et d’Essais
 Turkey UME  Tubitak Ulusal Metrolji Enstitusu
 Ukraine    Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine
 United Kingdom NPL  National Physical Laboratory
 USA NIST  National Institute of Standards and Technology
 Venezuela Sencamer Servicio Autonomo Nacional de Metrologia
 Viet Nam VMI-STAMEQ  Vietnam Metrology Institute
 Zambia ZABS  Zambia Bureau of Standards
 Zimbabwe NMI-SIRDC Scientific and Industrial Research and Development CentreScientific and Industrial Research and Development Centre