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Mutual Recognition

In 2002, "Chinese Taipei" was approved to be an Associate to CGPM and signed the CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement, which aims to provide recognition of national measurement standards and calibration and measurement certificates issued by national metrology institutes.

Followings are international cooperation/mutual recognition agreements NML signed with.



Second Amendment of the MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Metrology between PTB and NML (PTB, Germany).


Renew NML/KRISS MoU for Scientific and technological cooperation in metrology (KRISS/Korea).


Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the field of Metrology (VMI, Vietnam).

2015.04 Sign LOI in the science fields of "Light and Lighting", "Color and Vision", "Photobiology ad Image" and "International Lighting Standards" with NIST/USA.
2015.03 Prolongation of the MOU on Metrology Cooperation between PTB and NML (PTB Germany).
2010.06.29 MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Metrology (NIM, China).
2009.10.24 Prolongation of the MOU on Metrology Cooperation between PTB and NML (PTB, Germany).
2008.11.06 Renew NML/KRISS MoU for Scientific and technological cooperation in metrology  (KRISS/Korea).
2008.08.27 International Coordination of Nanoscale Reference Materials Project of the U.S. National  Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
2008.05.30 Versailles project on Advanced Materials and Standards.
2004.10.26 Agreement on the extension of the MOU on Cooperation in the Field of Metrology between PTB and NML (PTB, Germany.)
2002.09.26 Memorandum of Understanding concerning Cooperation in Metrology and Measurement Standards among 14 countries and 15 standard/metrology institutes.
2002.06.04 CIPM Mutual Recognition Arrangement.
2000.11.02 International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation (ILAC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement (MRA) signed among 28 Economies and 36 organizations.
1999.10.26 Convention about the prolongation of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Cooperation in the Field of Metrology/The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt(PTB/Germany).
1999.05.07 Mutual Recognition Agreement of National Testing Service between CNLA and SANAS.
1997.11.19 APLAC Mutual Recognition Arrangement.
1997.08.01 Asia-Pacific Metrology Programme Memorandum of Understanding.
1996.09.13 International Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding.
1995.06.24 Memorandum of Understanding between CNLA and TELARC.
1995.04.04 Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Memorandum of Understanding.
1994.10.26 Letter of Intent on the Mutual Recognition of National Measurement Standards between NML and NMi.
1994.10.26 Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation in the Field of Metrology between NML and PTB.
1993.11.06 Technical Undertaking Regarding Mutual Recognition of National Calibration Service between NML and NCS.
1993.06.09 Memorandum Concerning Technical Cooperation in Metrology and Instrumentation Technology between NML and VNIIFTRI.
1993.06.07 Mutual Technical Cooperation Agreement between NML and NMi.
1992.02.12 Memorandum Concerning Technical Cooperation in Metrology and Instrumentation Technology between NML and VNIIFTRI.
1991.10.02 Memorandum Concerning Technical Cooperation in Electronic Distance Measurement between NML and FGI.
1991.02.04 Mutual Recognition of National Measuring Standards Agreement between NML and CSIR.
1990.04.05 Declaration of Mutual Recognition of National Measurement System between NML and CSIR.