
Reports in Year 2023

No. Report Summary
1 Final Report of 2022 NML Internal Audit According to section 8.8 of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and 8.7 of ISO 17034:2016, the laboratory and the reference material producer shall periodically and in accordance with a predetermined schedule and procedure, conduct internal audits of its activities to verify that its operations continue to comply with the requirements of the management system and standards. Therefore, NML implements the internal audit every year to confirm that each department’s operation fits the requirements of NML, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:2016. The effectiveness and suitability of NML management system are also ensured in addition. The task items and relevant records of NML internal audit in 2022 are shown as this research report.
2 Final Report of 2023 NML Internal Audit According to section 8.8 of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and 8.7 of ISO 17034:2016, the laboratory and the reference material producer shall periodically and in accordance with a predetermined schedule and procedure, conduct internal audits of its activities to verify that its operations continue to comply with the requirements of the management system and standards. Therefore, NML implements the internal audit every year to confirm that each department’s operation fits the requirements of NML, ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ISO 17034:2016. The effectiveness and suitability of NML management system are also ensured in addition. The task items and relevant records of NML internal audit in 2023 are shown as this research report.
3 Measurement System Validation Procedure for AC-DC Current Transfer System This document is a measurement system validation procedure for the AC current measurement system (system number: E11) in National Measurement Laboratory (NML). It provides the measurement uncertainty evaluation for the report of instrument calibration technique and calibration reports as well. Use Thermal Current Converters (TCCs) as standards to calibrate low current range Thermal Current Converters (mATCCs), AC Current sources/meters, and AC Current shunts.
For currents ranging from 10 micro A ~ 20 A at frequencies ranging from 20 Hz to 100 kHz, the expanded uncertainty is from 11 micro A/A ~ 250 micro A/A, representing a confidence level of approximately 95 % and a coverage factor k =2.
4 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Direct Large Current System This document describes the measurement system validation procedures for the Direct High Current Measurement System (system code:E10) at National Measurement Laboratory (NML). This direct high current system can be used to calibrate the direct current shunt and direct large current source/meter.
The measurement uncertainty of this system is analysis according to the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008.  The calibration capability of this system is as follow.
Direct current shunt measurement range: 300 A, 500 A, 1000 A.
Relative expanded uncertainty: 0.20 mV/V.
Level of confidence (coverage factor): Approximately 95 % (k = 2.0) .
Direct current source/meter measurement range: 300 A, 500 A, 1000 A.
Relative expanded uncertainty: 0.25 mA/A、0.25 mA/A、0.26 mA/A.
Level of confidence (coverage factor): Approximately 95 % (k = 2.0).
5 Instrument Calibration Technique for AC-DC Current Transfer System This instrument calibration technique report of AC-DC Current Transfer System (System number: E11) describes the procedures to calibrate thermal current converters, alternating current sources, alternating current meters, and alternating current shunts, by using the standard thermal current coverters.
For currents ranging from 10 micro A ~ 20 A at frequencies ranging from 20 Hz to 100 kHz, the expanded uncertainty is from 11 micro A/A ~ 250 micro A/A, representing a confidence level of approximately 95 % and a coverage factor k =2.
6 Instrument Calibration Technique for DC 1V-10 V System This document is an calibration procedure report for DC 1V-10V system in National Measurement Laboratory (NML). This DC 1V-10V system can be used to calibrate the solid-state dc voltage standards. The unit under test is calibrated by comparing its output voltage to each unit in the system reference group via a redundant measurement design.

The uncertainty analysis is according to ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement – Part 3: Guide the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995). The calibration capability of this calibration system is as followed.

Measurement range: 1V, 1.018V, 10V
Relative Expanded uncertainty: 0.3 μV/V
level of confidence (coverage factor): 95 % (2.13).
7 Measurement System Validation Procedure for DC 1V-10 V Measurement System This document is an calibration procedure report for DC 1V-10V measurement system (E03) in National Measurement Laboratory (NML). This DC 1V-10V system can be used to calibrate the solid-state dc voltage standards. The unit under test is calibrated by comparing its output voltage to each unit in the system reference group via a redundant measurement design.

The uncertainty analysis is according to ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995). The calibration capability of this calibration system is as followed.

Measurement range: 1 V, 1.018 V, 10 V
Relative expanded uncertainty: 0.3 muV/V
Level of confidence (coverage factor): 95 % (2.13).
8 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Low Magnetic Field (1 mT to 50 mT) Calibration System Magnetic flux density is a derivative unit in metrology. The multi-layers Helmholtz coils provide the method to realize the standard of low magnetic flux density, and it can trace to the current and length standard. This document is an assessment report on the calibration system of the low magnetic flux density measurement system (system code: B03) of the National Measurement Laboratory. This calibration system provides traceability and calibration service of gaussmeter and standard reference magnet for the magnetic flux density from 1 mT to 50 mT. The calibration capability of this calibration system is as follow.

Measurement range: 1 mT to 50 mT
Expanded uncertainty: 0.005 mT to 0.16 mT
Coverage factor: k=1.98 to 2.26 
Level of confidence: 95 %
9 Instrument Calibration Technique for Low Magnetic(1 μT to 1 mT) Field System This document belongs to the low magnetic field measurement system (system code: B03), and describes how to calibrate gaussmeter using the Low Magnetic Field (1 μT to 1 mT) Calibration System. Recommendations for equipment and supplies needed to implement such a system are presented along with the description of the required calibration procedure. The calibration capability of this calibration system is as follow.
Measurement range: 1 μT to 1 mT
Expanded uncertainty: 0.025 μT to 3.4 μT
Coverage factor: k =1.98 to k =2.26
Level of confidence: 95 %
10 Instrument Calibration Technique of Single-Phase AC Power Primary Measurement System This document describes the calibration procedures for single-phase AC power primary measurement system (system code: E23) at National Measurement Laboratory. The system equipment, procedures of the calibrations for single-phase active power, single-phase reactive power, voltage harmonics, and current harmonics are described in this document. Besides, this document also describes the calibration procedures for high-resolution sampling meter – the core equipment of the AC power primary measurement system.
11 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Low Current System This document describes the low current measurement system (system code E08) at National Measurement Laboratory. This system provides calibration service of direct low current standards from 10 pA to 1 μA. The measurement method is passing the low current to a standard resistor and using a direct voltage meter to measure the voltage difference of the standard resistor. The value of the current is then calculated by the Ohm law.
The uncertainties of the low current system with the confidence level of 95 % and the coverage factor of 2 are listed as below:

Nominal value 10 pA, 100 pA, 1 nA, 10 nA, 100 nA, 1 μA
Relative expanded uncertainty
(mA/A) 0.9, 0.47, 0.26, 0.21, 0.21, 0.21
12 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Single-Phase AC Power Primary Measurement System This document describes calibration uncertainty evaluation for single-phase AC power primary measurement system (system code: E23) at National Measurement Laboratory. All uncertainty values stated in this document are calculated according to the "ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM: 1995)".
13 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Low Magnetic(1 μT to 1 mT) Field System Magnetic flux density is a derivative unit in metrology. The multi-layers Helmholtz coils provide the method to realize the standard of low magnetic flux density, and it can trace to the current and length standard. This document is an assessment report on the calibration system of the low magnetic flux density measurement system (system code: B03) of the National Measurement Laboratory. This calibration system provides traceability and calibration service of gaussmeter and standard reference magnet for the magnetic flux density from 1 μT to 1 mT. The calibration capability of this calibration system is as follow.
Measurement range: 1 μT to 1 mT
Expanded uncertainty: 0.025 μT to 3.4 μT
Coverage factor: k=1.98 to k =2.26
Level of confidence: 95 %
14 Instrument Calibration Technique for Direct Middle-Range Current System This document describes the calibration procedures for the Direct Middle-Range Current Measurement System (system code:E09) at National Measurement
Laboratory (NML).
The calibration rang are Direct current shunt measurement range: 10 uA to 100 A, relative expanded uncertainty: 20 uV/V to 61 uV/V, respectively for a level of confidence 95  and the coverage factor k=2.00 to 2.08. Direct
current source/meter measurement range: 10 uA to 100 A, relative expanded uncertainty: 23 uA/A to 70 uA/A, respectively for a level of confidence 95  and the coverage factor k=2.00 to 2.09.
15 Instrument Calibration Technique for Direct Large Current System TThis document describes the calibration procedures for the Direct High Range Current Measurement System (system code:E10) at National Measurement Laboratory(NML).
Measurement range of direct current shunt : 300A、500 A、1000 A
Relative expanded uncertainty: 0.20 mV/V
Level of confidence (Coverage factor): 95 % (k = 2.0).
Measurement range of direct current source/meter: 300A、500 A、1000 A
Relative expanded uncertainty: 0.25 mA/A、0.25 mA/A、0.26 mA/A
Level of confidence (Coverage factor): 95 % (k = 2.0).
16 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Direct Middle-Range Current System This document describes the calibration procedures for the Direct Middle Current Measurement System (E09) at National Measurement Laboratory (NML). This direct middle current system can be used to calibrate the direct current shunt and direct current source/meter.
The uncertainty analysis is according to the ISO/IEC Guide98-3:2008, and General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, ISO, 2005. The calibration capability of this calibration system is as follow.
Direct current shunt measurement range: 10 μA to 100 A
Relative expanded uncertainty: 20 μV/V to 61 μV/V。k=2.00至2.08。
Direct current source/meter measurement range: 10 μA to 100 A
Relative expanded uncertainty: 23 μA/A to 69 μA/A。k=2.00至2.09。
Confidence level (coverage factor): 95 % .
17 Instrument Calibration Technique for Sheet Resistance System This document is the instrument calibration procedure of the sheet resistance calibration system (system code: E27) at National Measurement Laboratory (NML). It is used as the basis of the calibration method and procedure of the silicon sheet resistance standards. It also describes the calibration instruments and equipment of this system and the example of the calibration report. This system is used to provide the calibration of silicon sheet resistance standards, and its measurement capacity for the calibration service is as the following:

         Measurement scope:0.15 Ω ~ 4000 Ω

Relative expanded uncertainty:0.46 %
                (Confidence level = 95 %, Coverage factor k = 2.20)
18 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Sheet Resistance System The document is the measurement system validation procedure (MSVP) of the sheet resistance measurement system (system code: E27) in the National Measurement Laboratory (NML). Based on the MSVP, we calculate the expanded uncertainty given in the instrument calibration procedure and the calibration reports of the system, and provide the quality assurance design of measurement and the analysis of the source of the errors. The document is the measurement system validation procedure (MSVP) of the sheet resistance measurement system (system code: E27) in the National Measurement Laboratory (NML). Based on the MSVP, we calculate the expanded uncertainty given in the instrument calibration procedure and the calibration reports of the system, and provide the quality assurance design of measurement and the analysis of the source of the errors. The system is used to provide the calibration of silicon sheet resistance standards. According to the methods described in ISO “Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement (1995)”, we calculate the measurement capacity of the system and the relative expanded uncertainty of the silicon sheet resistance standards to be calibrated. The measurement capacity of the system for the calibration service is as the following:

Measurement scope: 0.15 Ω ~ 4000 Ω

Relative expanded uncertainty: 0.46 %
               (Confidence level = 95 %, Coverage factor k = 2.20)
19 Instrument Calibration Technique for Programmable Josephson Voltage Measurement System This instrument calibration technique describes the calibration procedures for programmable Josephson voltage standard (PJVS) measurement system (system code:E01). The system is the primary voltage standard in National Measurement Laboratory (NML). It provides the calibration service to the DC standard voltage outputs of Zener references and DC digital voltmeters. The measurement method is based on the quantized voltage values produced by the programmable Josephson chip at low temperature. The calibrated voltage and its uncertainty are obtained by statistic processes.
The uncertainty analysis is according to the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995). The following shows the measurement range, expanded uncertainty, level of confidence, and coverage factor of this system:
Measurement range:1 mV to 10 V,
Expanded uncertainty:50 nV to 98 nV,
Level of confidence:95 %,
Coverage factor:2
20 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Programmable Josephson Voltage Measurement System This report is the measurement system validation procedure for 10 V programmable Josephson voltage standard (PJVS) measurement system (system code:E01). This system is the primary voltage standard at National Measurement Laboratory (NML). It provides the calibration service to the DC standard voltage outputs of Zener references and DC digital voltmeters. The measurement method is based on the quantized voltage values produced by the programmable Josephson chip at low temperature. The calibrated voltage and its uncertainty are obtained by statistic processes. The uncertainty analysis is according to the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM:1995). The following shows the measurement range, expanded uncertainty, level of confidence, and coverage factor of this system: Measurement range:1 mV to 10 V;Expanded uncertainty:50 nV to 98 nV;Confidence level:95 %;Coverage factor:2.
21 Instrument Calibration Technique for Single-Phase AC Electrical Power Measurement System This technical report describes the calibration procedures for the AC Electrical Power Measurement System (system code: E18) of Single-Phase AC Power at National Measurement Laboratory. The system equipment, procedures, data analysis, and report templates of the calibrations for single-phase active power, single-phase reactive power, voltage harmonics and current harmonics are described in the report.
22 Instrument Calibration Technique for Single-Phase AC Electrical Energy Measurement System This technical report describes the calibration procedures for the AC Power Measurement System (system code: E18) of Single-Phase AC Electrical Energy at National Measurement Laboratory. The system equipment, procedures, data analysis, and report templates of the calibrations for single-phase active energy and single-phase reactive energy are described in the report.
23 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Single-Phase AC Electrical Power Measurement System This technical report describes the calibration uncertainty evaluation for the AC Electrical Power Measurement System (system code: E18) of Single-Phase AC Power at National Measurement Laboratory. All uncertainty values stated in this report are calculated according to the "ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM: 1995)".
24 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Single-Phase AC Electrical Energy Measurement System This technical report describes the calibration uncertainty evaluation for the Single-Phase AC Electrical Energy Measurement System (system code: E18) at National Measurement Laboratory. All uncertainty values stated in this report are calculated according to the "ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement - Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM: 1995)".
25 Instrument Calibration Technique for AC Programmable Josephson Voltage Measurement System This document describes the calibration procedures for AC programmable Josephson voltage standard (AC PJVS) measurement system (system code:E01). The system is the primary voltage standard in National Measurement Laboratory. It provides the calibration service to the low-frequency (< 500 Hz) AC voltage outputs of the AC voltage source, the voltage divider, and the current shunt. The measurement method is based on the differential sampling technique and the fast Fourier transform analysis. The standard AC voltage of stepwise-approximated sinusoidal waveforms is synthesized with quantum voltage steps produced by the PJVS chip at low temperature. The calibrated AC voltage with its phase displacement and uncertainty are obtained by statistic processes.
The following shows the measurement range, expanded uncertainty, level of confidence, and coverage factor of this system for different units under test:

(1) For AC voltage source calibration:
     Measurement voltage range:0.1 V to 7 V
     Measurement frequency range:1 Hz to 500 Hz
     Relative expanded uncertainty:0.4 μV/V to 16 μV/V
     Level of confidence:95 %
     Coverage factor:2

(2) For voltage divider calibration:
     Measurement voltage ratio range:0.001 to 1.0
     Measurement frequency:50 Hz and 62.5 Hz
     Relative expanded uncertainty of the ratio error:1.4 μV/V
     Level of confidence:95 %
     Coverage factor:2

(3) For current shunt calibration:
     Measurement input current range:10 mA to 80 A
     Measurement frequency:50 Hz and 62.5 Hz
     Expanded uncertainty of the phase displacement:0.00080 
     Level of confidence:95 %
     Coverage factor:2
26 Measurement System Validation Procedure for AC Programmable Josephson Voltage Measurement System This report describes the measurement system validation procedure for AC programmable Josephson voltage standard (AC PJVS) measurement system (system code:E01). The system is the primary voltage standard in National Measurement Laboratory. It provides the calibration service to the low-frequency (< 500 Hz) AC voltage outputs of the AC voltage source, the voltage divider, and the current shunt. The measurement method is based on the differential sampling technique and the fast Fourier transform analysis. The standard AC voltage of stepwise-approximated sinusoidal waveforms is synthesized with quantum voltage steps produced by the PJVS chip at low temperature. The calibrated AC voltage with its phase displacement and uncertainty are obtained by statistic processes.
The following shows the measurement range, expanded uncertainty, level of confidence, and coverage factor of this system for different units under test:

(1) For AC voltage source calibration:
     Measurement voltage range:0.1 V to 7 V
     Measurement frequency range:1 Hz to 500 Hz
     Relative expanded uncertainty:0.4 μV/V to 16 μV/V
     Level of confidence:95 %
     Coverage factor:2

(2) For voltage divider calibration:
     Measurement voltage ratio range:0.001 to 1.0
     Measurement frequency:50 Hz and 62.5 Hz
     Expanded uncertainty of the ratio error:1.32 μV/V
     Level of confidence:95 %
     Coverage factor:2 

(3) For current shunt calibration:
     Measurement input current range:10 mA to 80 A
     Measurement frequency:50 Hz and 62.5 Hz
     Expanded uncertainty of the phase displacement:0.80 mdeg
     Level of confidence:95 %
     Coverage factor:2
27 Measurement System Validation Procedure for AC Current Measurement System This document is the measurement system validation procedure for the AC current measurement system (system code: E11) at National Measurement Laboratory (NML). It describes the measurement theory, standard traceabilities, and evaluation for measurement uncertainties. The AC current standard shunts and the AC voltage standard meter are used as standards to calibrate AC current sources, AC transconductance amplifiers, AC meters, and AC current shunts.
The calibration scopes are as follows:
Current range: 100 micro A to 100 A
Frequency range: 20 Hz to 10 kHz
Measurement uncertainty:  (0.07 to 0.17) mA/A, stated at approximate 95 % level of confidence and the coverage factor k = 2.
28 Instrument Calibration Technique for AC Current Measurement System This instrument calibration technique report of AC Current Measurement System (System code: E11) mainly describes the calibration procedures, calibration data analysis and calibration report templates. The AC current standard shunts, the AC voltage standard meter and the AC voltage standard source are used as standards to calibrate AC current sources, AC transconductance amplifiers, AC current meters, and AC current shunts.
The calibration scopes are as follows:
Current range: 100 micro A to 100 A
Frequency range: 20 Hz to 10 kHz,
Measurement uncertainty: (0.07 to 0.17) mA/A, stated at approximate 95 % level of confidence and the coverage factor k = 2.
29 Research on technical specifications for type certification of DC watt-hour meters In recent years, electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging stations, energy storage systems, and renewable energy systems have become popular industries worldwide. The common technological key to these industries is the application of direct current (DC) power systems. Recognizing this, the development of DC power systems will be the cornerstone of technological advancements in various major industries in the future.
Currently, international standards have been established for the accuracy and other relevant characteristic parameters of DC electricity meters. This technical report focuses on the type certification of DC electricity meters and proposes a draft technical specification for type certification after discussions among industry, government, and academia. This document will serve as the basis for the National Metrology Institute in the future to establish national technical standards for DC electricity meter type certification, ensuring uniformity and accuracy in measurement.
30 DC electricity meter standard traceability evaluation report This technical report is the traceability procedure for DC electricity meters. Its content describes the system instruments and equipment, calibration steps, analysis of calibration data, calibration report template, and system uncertainty factors required when performing DC power calibration.
31 Instrument Calibration Technique for Resistance Thermometers This technical document describes the calibration procedures for resistance thermometers in the National Measurement Laboratory.  This calibration system is subordinated to the resistance thermometer measurement system coded with T04.  This calibration system conforms to the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90) and its capability of calibration ranges from -70 ℃ to 300 ℃.  The contents give detailed descriptions on the calibration instruments used, calibration principles and calibration steps.
32 Modeling the Phase Change of a Miniature Fixed-point Cell Based on the energy-conservation equation, the phase change model of a miniature fixed-point cell is constructed. The phase change time of the optimal parameters can be calculated by the known volume of the miniature fixed-point cell, the thermal properties of different metal materials, and the heating rate.
33 Design of a Miniature Fixed-point Cell Based on the energy-conservation equation and thermal resistance theory, the thermal model of a miniature fixed-point cell is constructed to design and manufacture the geometric parameters of it. Meanwhile, the metal mass and the external heating power required by a miniature fixed-point cell are analyzed to confirm whether there is enough time for phase change ≧ 30 s.
34 Radiation thermometer sensing and measurement Introduction to the measurement principle, classification, application and radiation temperature standard of radiation thermometers
35 The Report of the low melting Alloys for Temperature, Investigation, and Mixing Ratio This report mainly investigates and mixes the low melting alloy (including Bi/Sn/In) ratio (42/13.5/44.5) wt%, and it achieves the phase change temperature of the low melting alloy at (62 ±1) ℃.
36 Design and Manufacturing Process of Pure Metal Thermocouples In order to realize the localization capability of Pt/Pd thermocouples, this report mainly describes the design and manufacturing process of pure metal thermocouples.
37 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Spectral Responsivity Calibration of Absolute Cryogenic Radiometer System This document describes the measurement system validation procedure for spectral responsivity calibration of optical detectors in the Absolute Cryogenic Radiometer System (O07). The contents include: introduction to the National Measurement Laboratory (NML) spectral responsivity scale (Chap. 2), procedures for uncertainty analysis (Chap. 3), quality assurance design (Chap. 4), and calibration capability (Chap. 5).
38 Instrument Calibration Technique for Transmittance of Spectral Spectrophotometric System This document describes the calibration procedure for transmittance standard plate in double-beam monochromator. This is a primary measurement system which measures the material’s absolute transmittance corrected by baseline and reference beam. While performing the total and zero transmittance, there would be a baseline factor, and then the transmittance can be measured directly. finally, the measured value showed is corrected by reference beam further.
   Light gets into and passes through samples vertically, thus the diffuse material is not suitable for the calibration method. The calibrated standard plate can be used as the highest standard in secondary calibration laboratory. This system is primary standard. the wavelength range is (200~800) nm, and under the 95 % confidence level in the measuring range of transmittance (1~100) %, the expanded uncertainty is as follows:
Spectral Transmittance   Wavelength Range    Expanded Uncertainty    Coverage Factor
1 % ≦ T < 10 %            200 nm ~ 800 nm            0.06 %                          1.96
10 % ≦ T ≦ 100%         200 nm ~ 800 nm             0.21 %                          2.05
Transmittance                    Expanded Uncertainty      Coverage Factor
1 % ≦ Y < 10 %                         0.04 %                           1.97
10 % ≦ Y ≦ 100 %                      0.12 %                           1.97

   This document is subordinated to O05 Spectrophotometric System.
39 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Spectral Transmittance of  Spectrophotometric System This document describes the method and the result of uncertainty evaluation in transmittance measurement system. It includes the introduction of the system, the principle and procedure of the measurement, and so on. It also consists of the evaluation of the system capability and uncertainty.
  This system is primary standard. the wavelength range is (200 ~ 800) nm, and under the 95 % confidence level in the measuring range of transmittance and luminous transmittance (1 ~ 100) %, the expanded uncertainty is as follows:
Spectral Transmittance Wavelength Expanded Uncertainty Coverage
1 % ≦ T < 10 % 200 nm to 800 nm 0.06 % 1.96
10 % ≦ T ≦ 100% 200 nm to 800 nm 0.21 % 2.05

Luminous Transmittance Expanded Uncertainty Coverage
1 % ≦ Y < 10 % 0.04 % 1.97
10 % ≦ Y ≦100 % 0.12 % 1.97

  This document is subordinated to O05 Spectrophotometric System.
40 Analysis of XCT performance and influencing factors This technical report originates from the smart online measurement standard construction plan for the smart machinery industry, with the goal of establishing industrial XCT (X-ray computed tomography) calibration technology. The key performance of XCT measurement systems, such as spatial resolution, dimensional measurement accuracy and reproducibility, will limit its application industries. This technical report will explain the technical connotation of key performance parameters and the key factors affecting performance. It is expected to be beneficial to Readers have a deeper understanding of XCT measurement technology.
41 Instrument Calibration Technique for High-capacity Mass Weighing System - METTLER XPE Models Mass Comparator This procedure provides the laboratory colleague as reference to weigh 1000 kg and 500 kg weights. Double substitution method is applied to perform the mass comparisons. During weighing, the readings of the standard and unknown weights can be obtained from the readout of display. After repeating weighing for several times, the differences between the standard and unknown weights, the mean deviations and the standard deviation can be calculated, and then the mass values and uncertainties of the unknown weights can also be calculated from the value of the standard weight.
42 Measurement System Validation Procedure for the High-Capacity Mass Weighing System- METTLER XPE Models Mass Comparator This procedure provides a reference for evaluating the uncertainty when performing mass calibrations of weights of 1000 kg and 500 kg.
In practical weighing, the double substitution method is adopted to perform the mass comparison. During weighing, the readings of the weighing can be obtained and the mean value and standard deviation can be calculated by computer, the mass value and uncertainty of the unknown weight can be calculated from the values of standard weight.
Measurement scope of the system: 1000 kg and 500 kg.
43 Finite Element Analysis Report on the Stiffness of Sensor Structures The measurement principle of the spindle preload force sensor, which is supposed to be developed this year, is to improve the outer spacer of the spindle bearing by adding force sensing elements to achieve the goal of preload measurement. Considering that it needs to be integrated with the main shaft after future development, the stiffness of the force sensor structure after improvement needs to be equivalent to the original bearing stiffness. Therefore, finite element analysis is used to estimate the stiffness and strain distribution of the force sensor structure to avoid subsequent installation that may affect the performance of the spindle due to poor accuracy.
44 The report of spindle preload force sensor design The measurement principle of the spindle preload force sensor, which is expected to be developed this year, is to improve the outer spacer of the spindle bearing by adding force sensing elements to achieve the goal of preload measurement. This report reveals the process from structural design, finite element analysis to back-end amplifier circuit design and detail specifications of the sensor.
45 The report of spindle preload force sensor function verification The spindle preload force sensor developed this year has completed prototype production, and it is necessary to verify the function of the sensor. This research report explains the test structure and verification results of sensor function verification.
46 CNFI final report of intellectual machinery industry technology promotion and services To comply promotion of measurement and metrology laboratory in intellectual machinery industry updated technology to domestic related corporations.
47 PMC final report of intellectual machinery industry technology promotion and services Through the understanding from production capabilities of machine tool and related components industry and the summaries from our experts and advises from delegated manufacturers, MIRDC analyzes multinational industrial tendencies and Taiwan related components manufacturers’ production capabilities. MIRDC also investigates possible tendency projects for machine tool and related components industry to set up programs for technology applications and developing strategies, meanwhile connects public corporations and every manufacturer through consultations in addition to promoting online technology of metrology and measurement standards.
48 Overseas Report for 2023 International Conference on Mechatronics Technology This participation in the ICMT International Conference on Mechatronics Technology focused on the research and development progress in precision machining of advanced machine tools, bearings, actuators and sensors. Through participation in the conference, a deeper understanding of the current developments in precision machining in the field of advanced machine tools and the current research stage and challenges faced by bearings was gained. With the international trend towards net-zero carbon emissions and considerations of the cost of mechanical structures and materials, new alternative materials and mechanical component structures are continuously being developed. The performance of these components will require standardized sensor measurement or monitoring techniques to observe changes in their internal structural properties.
In the field of robotics, where the movement trajectory and grasping force control of robots are crucial, mathematical models and sensor corrections are employed to ensure more precise motion positioning and force application. The monitoring of these motion trajectories and applied forces requires standardized measurement and monitoring capabilities.
49 Instrument Calibration Technique for Roundness Standard The document describes the calibration procedure of the roundness measuring system for the National Measurement Laboratory. In this document, a FEDERAL FORMSCAN 3000 rotary table type roundness measuring instrument is used. Profile of the customer artifact that rotate along a spindle is measured by an electro-mechanical probe. Out-of roundness can be obtained by the least square circle method to separate the spindle error.
This calibration system is attached to the Roundness Calibration System (System code: D12), Measuring range:
Roundness standard : (0~2)μm (out-of-roundness)
For 95﹪confidence level, coverage factor k =2.01, Expanded uncertainty(U) =0.020 μm.
50 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Pin Gauge This document is an assessment report on the calibration system of the ping gauge by the Center for Measurement Standards in carrying out the National Measurement Laboratory Project. The calibration system provides the traceability and the calibration service of ping gauge for lengths no longer than 20 mm.
The ping gauge calibration system consists of a Zygo laser telemetric systems, two sets of pin gauge, each set contains four different sizes of pin gauges. While calibrating, the calibrated pin gauge is placed on two adjustable V-Blocks. It is necessary to adjust the V-Block to let the calibrated pin gague to be vertical with the optical beam which is the measurement beam.
The error source analysis and uncertainties are analysed according to ISO/IEC Guide 98-3;2008 published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). This assessment report belongs to the (D03) calibration system.
51 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Gauge Blocks - Federal  Gauge Block Comparator This document describes the uncertainty evaluation of gauge block calibration by Federal 130B-24 gauge block comparator at National Measurement Laboratory. This documentation is attached to gauge block comparator system (system code: D01). The evaluation method was based on the official publication of the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008, Uncertainty of measurement — Part 3: Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM: 1995).The influence of each error source was analyzed in the calibration procedure. The measurement scope and the results of evaluated uncertainty are shown as below
Measurement scope: Central length: 0.5 mm ~ 100 mm
Grade: 00, K and 0 Gauge blocks of rectangular cross sections
Expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level and coverage factor k = 2.0):
Steel gage block: [(39)2 + (0.6 L)2]1/2 nm
Ceramic gauge block: [(39)2 + (0.7 L)2]1/2 nm
Chromium carbide gauge block: [(40)2 + (0.9 L)2]1/2 nm
Tungsten carbide gauge block: [(40)2 + (1.9 L)2]1/2 nm
where L indicates nominal length value of gauge block in mm.
52 Instrument Calibration Technique for Gauge Blocks - Federal Gauge Block Comparator This document describes the method used to calibrate gauge blocks by the gauge block comparator at National Measurement Laboratory . This documentation is attached to gauge block comparator system (system code: D01). The Federal 130B-24 gauge block comparator is used to calibrate gauge blocks. To the definition of metre, central length of gauge blocks measured by the comparator will ensure traceability of gauge block hierarchy. The measurement scope and the results of evaluated uncertainties are shown as below.
Measurement scope:Central lengths: 0.5 mm ~ 100 mm
Grade: 00, K and 0 Gauge blocks of rectangular cross sections
Expanded uncertainty (95 % confidence level and coverage factor k = 2.0):
Steel gage block:[(39)2 + (0.6 L)2]1/2 nm
Ceramic gauge block:[(39)2 + (0.7 L)2]1/2 nm
Chromium carbide gauge block:[(40)2 + (0.9 L)2]1/2 nm
Tungsten carbide gauge block:[(40)2 + (1.9 L)2]1/2 nm
where L indicates nominal length value of gauge block in mm.
53 Instrument Calibration Technique for Pin Gauge This document describes Pin Gauge calibration system which uses a Zygo 1202B Laser Telemetric System, and two sets of V-block. It is necessary to adjust the calibrated Pin Gauge which is supported with two sets of V-block, to be vertical with the measurement laser. The reading value of the Laser Telemetric System will have a minimum when the adjustment is done appropriately. The reading is modified by temperature effect. The calibration system provides the calibration service of the Pin Gauge.
This document belongs to the D03 calibration system.
54 Procedure for the Analysis Technology of Key Assembly Quality The objective of this technical report is to present a research study on the procedure for the analysis technology of key assembly quality. The contents describe the integration of a digital production history platform, a statistical process control (SPC) system, and an assembly quality model. The study also aims to accomplish intelligent assembly quality analysis in the production processes.
55 The Report of the Measuring Device Design for Multi-Degree Geometric Error of linear guideway The digital measurement device of motion error of linear guideway is aims to replace the measurement method of the traditional straight gauge, and instead use collimated optic beam as the reference standard and the motion error are measured by opto-electronic device that obtains high-resolution and high-precision measuring result.  It used the optical to replace the physical mechanical structure reference frame, and also called virtual measurement frame, and it is easier to expand the entire measurement stroke length compared with straight gauges. The more cost-effective and convenient the measurement for the longer distance especially. It is semi-absolute (absolute characteristics for relative zero points, no need to reset each time) measurement characteristics relative to the constructed optical axis. The measurement are absolute value with reference to this optical axis which can improve the efficiency and convenience of use. Unlike interferometer that require continuous time measurement, it can’t be interrupted or trimmed during the sensing, or you need to reset it zero again.  It can be an effective tool for assemblers to meet the quality inspection requirements of high-precision assembly of line rails. The design achieve the ability to simultaneously measure the error along the moving direction, that include horizontal (H), vertical (V) straightness error, and the Yaw and Pitch angle error. Straightness measurement resolution is ? 0.1 μm; Angle measurement resolution is ? 0.1"; The repeatability uncertainty of straightness is ? (0.5 μm + 10-7 × L), and repeatability uncertainty of angle is ? (0.5 + 10- 1 m-1 × L)", that L is the travel range of the rail (0 ~ 2 m), the applicable range of straightness measurement is ±100 ~ 200 μm, and the actual measurable range is greater than ±1 mm; and the applicable range of angle measurement is ±100", the actual measurable range is greater than ±1000".
56 Development of NC code measurement program for machine tools In the traditional approach, machine tool compensation using manual methods for parameter correction or NC processing caused significant inconveniences in terms of time. To address these issues, our team has leveraged digital communication to develop a comprehensive solution aligning with current industry requirements. The software we have designed offers quick inspection capabilities, significantly streamlining the compensation process.
This research project aims to create intelligent connection settings, compile paths intelligently, and provide functions for NC code upload and download. Additionally, we will develop a machine tool’s NC code measurement program and application geometry. Error measurement will be a pivotal aspect of this project, enabling quick and accurate checks. The ultimate goal is to apply these advancements within the machine tool industry, enhancing the quality of domestic machine tools.
The implementation method involves seamless communication with Siemens controllers, utilizing their OPC UA communication protocol. We will identify the most suitable node on the Siemens server and refer to the parameter setting manual for each Siemens controller model. The primary programming language employed for this project will be Visual Studio C#.
In summary, our project aims to deliver a comprehensive solution, including CNC measurement path generation (including code), NC path modification, and uploading capabilities.
57 Evaluation report for measurement procedure and measurement path The measurement procedure provides the guidelines for using machine tools to conduct measurements on check components. It is applicable to inspect components with dimensions of 200 mm × 200 mm and is suitable for machine tools with a working table size of 200 mm or larger. The procedure involves the use of a quick inspection component to perform measurements via the machine tool, allowing for an assessment of the machine’s precision health.
58 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Ring Gauge Calibration System – Use of Labmaster 1000M Universal Measuring System This document was drafted about the uncertainty evaluation for the internal diameter calibration of end standard of ring gauges with the ranges of 4 mm to 200 mm. The calibration method is utilizing Labmaster universal measuring system, to calibrate the length of internal diameter. Firstly, the laser interferometer measured the 50 mm other sizes standard ring gauge for initial condition to reset. Then, it measured the ring gauge to be calibrated directly. The measurement uncertainty evaluation in this report was in accordance with the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 to provide the expanded uncertainty.
Measurement scope:
Item to be calibrated: Ring Gauge (Steel)
Range: 4 mm ~ 200 mm
Expanded uncertainty:
 U=1.99×[(0.144)^2+(1.37×D)^2 ]^0.5  μm
where D is the nominal size of ring gauge in m, and the coverage factor k = 1.99,
corresponding to a confidence level of 95 %.
This document belongs to the End Dimensional Measurement System (D03).
59 Instrument Calibration Technique for Ring Gauge – Use of Labmaster 1000M Universal Measuring System This document states the calibration procedures for the external diameter of ring gauges with the dimension of 4 ~ 200 mm.  The calibration method is utilizing Labmaster universal measuring system to calibrate the length of internal diameter. Firstly, the laser interferometer measured the 50 mm or other sizes standard ring gauge for initial condition to reset. Then, it measured client’s ring gauge directly. In this document, there were five subjects about the preliminary operation, calibration steps, post-calibration procedures, data analysis, and calibration reports.
Measurement scope:
Item to be calibrated: Ring Gauge (Steel)
Range: 4 ~ 200 mm
Expanded uncertainty:
 U=1.99×[(0.144)^2+(1.37×D)^2 ]^0.5  μm
where D is the nominal size of ring gauge in m, and the coverage factor k = 1.99,
corresponding to a confidence level of 95 %.
This document belongs to the End Dimensional Measurement System (D03).
60 Specification evaluation and Verification report of Components’ resolution The design specifications of the annual plan are as follows: Straightness measurement resolution is 0.1 μm. Angle measurement resolution is 0.1". Straightness repeatability uncertainty is (0.5 μm + 10E-7 × L), where the unit of L is in meters. Angle repeatability uncertainty is (0.5 + 0.1 × L)", also in meters. The stroke length range of linear motion is from 0 to 2 meters. Straightness measurement stroke length falls within the range of ±(100 ~ 200) μm, with a maximum stroke length of ±1 mm. The angle measurement range is within ±100", with a maximum measurement angle of ±1000". The experimental data in the verification report meet the design specifications outlined in the annual plan."
61 Instrument Calibration Technique for Plug Gauge – Use of Labmaster 1000M Universal Measuring System This document states the calibration procedures for the external diameter of plug gauges with the dimension of 20 to 100 mm.  The calibration method is utilizing Labmaster universal measuring system to calibrate the length of external diameter. Firstly, the laser interferometer measured the 50 mm standard plug gauge for initial condition to reset. Then, it measured client’s plug gauge directly. In this document, there were five subjects about the preliminary operation, calibration steps, post-calibration procedures, data analysis, and calibration reports.
62 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Plug Gauge – Use of Labmaster 1000M Universal Measuring System The report was drafted about the uncertainty evaluation for the calibration of end standard of plug gauges which external diameter ranges from 20 mm to 100 mm. The calibration is carried out by Labmaster 1000M universal measuring instrument to measure the length of external diameter. First, the laser interferometer measured the standard plug gauge, whose length was 50 mm, for initial condition to reset. Then it measured client plug gauge directly. The measurement uncertainty evaluation in this report was carried out in according to the ISO/IEC Guide 98-3;2008 to provide the expanded uncertainty.
63 Spindle error motions measurement module analysis and evaluation report The purpose of this report is to explain the achievement of checkpoint A3-4 in the ’Spindle On-line Measurement Technology Development’ project. The checkpoint is to complete Analysis and Evaluation Report. The following provides a detailed explanation of the current industry background, design specifications, and implementation results.
64 The Procedures for the Key Assembly Quality Compensation Technology This report aims to illustrate the procedures involved in the ’Smart Analysis of Machine Tool Assembly Quality and Accuracy Compensation’ project. The content provides a detailed explanation of the procedures for the Key Assembly Quality Compensation Technology.
65 Development of NC code measurement program for machine tools At present, many machine tools use manual methods for parameter correction or NC processing, which will cause a lot of inconvenience in terms of time. Therefore, the team will integrate information and communication talents to develop a set of NC code upload and download according to the current industry needs. Software, and can be equipped with quick inspection parts can effectively simplify the compensation time. This research will develop intelligent connection setting functions, intelligent compilation paths, and NC code upload and upload functions. The NC code measurement program of the machine tool and the development of application geometry will be developed. Error measurement will help to complete quick check measurement examples, apply it in the machine tool industry, and improve the quality of domestic machine tools.
The implementation method is to communicate with the Siemens controller, use its OPC UA communication protocol, search for the most suitable node according to the Siemens server, and refer to the Siemens controller parameter setting manual for each model; the application programming language is mainly written in Visual studio C#. Finally, complete a set of CNC measurement path generation (including code), and include NC path modification and upload.
66 The Report of Repeatability Uncertainty Test and Verification for Multi-Degree-of-Freedom error Sensor Module The digital Multi-Degree-of-Freedom error measurement technology for linear rail assembly and adjustment is designed to replace the traditional straight edge gauge, and instead uses collimated optic light as the reference standard.  With the moving direction as the X-axis, the horizontal (Y) and vertical (Z) straightness linear displacement, as well as angular displacement Yaw and Pitch can be measured simultaneously.   The linearity repeatability uncertainty of the annual plan  (0.5 μm + 10^-7 × L); angular repeatability uncertainty  (0.5 + 10^-1 m^-1 × L)", where L is the linear rail travel range (0 ~ 2 )m. In order to confirm the repeatability specifications of the developed measurement module, repeatability tests are conducted in the laboratory environment and verify the uncertainty specifications, and finally use repeated tests to evaluate the straightness of the carrier, and also conduct related measurements and applications in the field of machine tool assembly.
67 The report of Euspen 23rd International Conference & Exhibition This report describes my attendance at the Euspen 2023 International Conference and Exhibition in Copenhagen. The event was organized by the Euspen and the DTU. By participating in the seminar and presenting my paper, I aimed to enhance the international exposure of our country’s measurement technology and engage in fruitful exchanges of research insights and recommendations with various experts and scholars. I not only gathered information on the development trends of topics from the conference but also gained an understanding of the latest research directions.
68 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Nanoparticles Size Calibration System-Differential Mobility Analysis This document describes the uncertainty evaluation of nanoparticles size calibration system characterized by differential mobility analysis (DMA), belonging to nanoparticle measuring system (D26). The measuring system is assembled by TSI commercial instruments and can currently provide the particle size calibration service from 20 nm to 500 nm.
The uncertainty analysis of measurement results is based on ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. The error sources from the measurement instruments and process are considered and evaluated. After a practical evaluation of uncertainty, the existing measuring system provides the following capability.
‧ Calibration item: Particle Size Standards (Polystyrene, PSL)
‧ Measuring range: 20 nm to 500 nm.
‧ Confidence level: 95 %
‧ Expanded uncertainty:
Measuring range Expanded uncertainty Coverage factor
20 nm ≦ D < 350 nm 0.065D + 0.351 nm 1.96
350 nm ≦ D ≦ 500 nm 0.065D + 0.985 nm 1.96
where D is particle diameter in nm.
69 Instrument Calibration Technique for Nanoparticles Size-Differential Mobility Analysis This document describes the calibration procedures for nanoparticle size characterized by differential mobility analysis (DMA), belonging to nanoparticle measuring system (D26). The measuring system is assembled by TSI commercial instruments and can currently provide the particle size calibration service from 20 nm to 500 nm.
The uncertainty analysis of measurement results is based on ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008 to the expression of uncertainty in measurement. The error sources from the measurement instruments and process are considered and evaluated. After a practical evaluation of uncertainty, the existing measuring system provides the following capability.
‧ Calibration item: Particle Size Standards (Polystyrene, PSL)
‧ Measuring range: 20 nm to 500 nm
‧ Confidence level: 95 %
‧ Expanded uncertainty:
Measuring range Expanded uncertainty Coverage factor
20 nm ≦ D < 350 nm 0.065D + 0.351 nm 1.96
350 nm ≦ D ≦ 500 nm 0.065D + 0.985 nm 1.96
where D is particle diameter in nm.
70 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Linewidth Calibration System This document states the uncertainty evaluation procedures for the Linewidth Calibration System. The linewidth standards are directly calibrated by the Linewidth Calibration system by AFM. The influential factors of linewidth on this calibration system will be identified to estimate the uncertainty of the system according to “ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008”, hereinafter called the ISO GUM. This calibration system belongs to pitch calibration system (D19).
71 Instrument Calibration Technique for Linewidth This document describes the procedure of measuring linewidth specimens in Center for Measurement Standards. The atomic force microscope (AFM) can currently provide the linewidth calibration service with range from 50 nm to 1000 nm. During the calibration, the image of linewidth specimen mounted on the tilt stage is captured by AFM, and then another image is also captured after the specimen was remounted on the tilt stage with a 180° specimen rotation. Finally, these two images can be stitched by executing 3-D image registration program and the linewidth value without AFM tip interference is obtained. This system belongs to pitch standards calibration system (D19)
72 Instrument Calibration Technique for Nanoparticle Functional Property Measurement System re - Single Particle Inducitively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry /Particle Concentration Calibration This document describes the procedure to calibrate the concentration of gold nanoparticles by utilizing the single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS). This calibration system belongs to Nano Particle Functional Property Measurement System (system code: D27) with 8900 ICP-MS/MS (Agilent) as the measuring apparatus. This system currently provides calibration service for gold nanoparticle standard with particle concentration from 5 × 10^3 g-1 to 2 × 10^12 g-1 in the size range from 15 nm to 100 nm. The sample is continuously introduced into a SP-ICP-MS system via a nebulization system, consisting of a nebulizer and a spray chamber. The nebulization process change the liquid into aerosols of polydisperse droplets. Following nebulization, the droplet containing nanoparticle (NP) enter the plasma where they are atomized and ionized and resulted in a cloud of ions. The number of the pulses is directly related to the number concentration of NPs. The details of the preparation steps, calibration procedure, and data analysis are included in this document, which is the reference for calibration services of SP-ICP-MS in National Measurement Laboratory (NML).
73 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Nanoparticles Property Measurement System - Single Particle Inducitively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry / Gold Nanoparticles Concentration Calibration This measurement system is belong to Nano Particle Functional Property Measurement System (system code D27). The main instrument of this system is single particle inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (SP-ICP-MS). This document describes the uncertainty evaluation of nanoparticles number concentration calibration system characterized. Uncertainties analysis of measurement results are according to ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008. The uncertainty sources caused by measuring the nanoparticles diameter specimens are considered and evaluated. After a practical evaluation of uncertainty, this measurement system currently provides the following capability.
‧Calibration item: particle concentration
‧Measurement range of Particle Number Concentration: 5.00 × 103 ~ 2.00 × 1012 g-1
‧Measurement range of Particles Diameter : 15 nm to 100 nm
‧Relative expanded uncertainty:
‧Confidence level: 95 %.
74 Design and calibration of XCT standard parts X-ray computed tomography (XCT) technology has been widely used in industrial measurement or inspection, and the measurement accuracy of the machine needs to be verified. This article describes the standard parts used in XCT machines, including design and calibration results.
  The standard parts design complies with VDI/VDE 2630 standards and uses 22 balls. The calibration method refers to the International Standards Organization (ISO) guidance on the expression of measurement uncertainty (ISO/IEC Guide 98-3:2008), as well as VDI/VDE 2634 and ISO 10360-8 standards. Uses CMM machine for measurement, and evaluate its uncertainty.
75 Analysis of hydrogen quality analysis technologies, standards and regulations. In order to achieve net-zero carbon emissions and sustainable development, the world will gradually move from a carbon economy to a hydrogen economy. Hydrogen is a necessary means to achieve net-zero carbon emissions for the following reasons: (1) Renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power, can be converted into hydrogen for long-term storage; (2) The energy sector, the housing and manufacturing sector, and the transportation sector can use hydrogen as an alternative to fossil fuels as a source of energy; (3) The steel and petrochemical industries can use hydrogen as an alternative raw material to reduce their carbon emissions. (3) high carbon emission industries such as steel and petrochemical industries can use hydrogen as a substitute raw material to reduce carbon emissions. For the application of hydrogen in transportation, international organizations have developed specifications for the quality of hydrogen fuels used in hydrogen-powered vehicles, as well as recommendations for methods of analysis of hydrogen fuels, which are briefly described in this paper.
76 Research and analysis of international hydrogen flow measurement technology. In accordance with the background and industrial development of  2050 net-zero emission path plan, and in response to the domestic Hsinta power plant’s hybrid hydrogen power generation, the demonstration installation of CNPC and Linde LienHwa hydrogenation stations, private industry investment in hydrogen bus development and government hydrogen energy-related research According to the needs of the project, for the hydrogen flow measurement technology required for hydrogen production, transportation, storage and application, we will collect foreign measurement technical documents and laboratory equipment information to confirm the demand, and then plan and establish domestic hydrogen energy flow measurement related technology to meet the expectations of all walks of life for fair transactions in the field of hydrogen energy technology development and application development.
77 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Low Pressure Gas Flow Calibration System -Comparison Method/MOLBLOC The advantage of establishing a gas flow standard system using the primary method is that it can be directly traceable to the fundamental quantities of mass, length and time. It eliminates the need to evaluate the thermodynamic properties of the gas used and effectively reduces the uncertainty of the system. However, this method is very time-consuming and requires high operational skills. Therefore, it is not commonly used for general flowmeter calibration. Instead, other methods that can be traceable to the primary method, such as the calibration of flowmeters using standard devices like laminar flow elements, are utilized.
This document presents an uncertainty analysis for the Gas Flow Calibration System – Piston Prover (System code: F06) using the Comparison Method at the Fluid Flow Group of the National Measurement Laboratory. The system is capable of calibrating gas meters within the flowrate range of 2 cm3/min to 24000 cm3/min. The uncertainty analysis of the system follows the principle of uncertainty propagation, which includes uncertainties from measurement, ambient conditions, and the equipment used, by calculating their combined standard uncertainty using the root-sum-squares method. Finally, the relative expanded uncertainty is obtained at the 95% confidence level by multiplying the relative standard uncertainty by a coverage factor.
The applicability of this calibration system is as follows:
Environmental temperature: 22 °C to 24 °C
Upstream pressure of MOLBLOC/MOLBOX1: 350 kPa
Volume flowrate of MOLBLOC/MOLBOX1: 2 cm3/min to 24000 cm3/min
Gas: Dry air or Nitrogen
The relative combined standard uncertainty of volume flow rate for this calibration system is 0.068 %, the relative expanded uncertainty of volume flow rate for this calibration system is 0.13 %, and the coverage factor is 1.97.
The relative combined standard uncertainty of volume flow rate for flowmeter calibration is 0.069 %, the relative expanded uncertainty of volume flow rate for flowmeter calibration is 0.14 %, and the coverage factor is 1.97.
The relative combined standard uncertainty of mass flow rate for this calibration system is 0.063 %, the relative expanded uncertainty of mass flow rate for this calibration system is 0.13 %, and the coverage factor is 1.98.
The relative combined standard uncertainty of mass flow rate for flowmeter calibration is 0.066 %, the relative expanded uncertainty of mass flow rate for flowmeter calibration is 0.13 % , and the coverage factor is 1.98.
78 Project Definition Study (PDS) for the Establishment of the Smart Water Meter Verification and Type Approval Testing System The project definition study (PDS) defines in detail the execution tasks and requirements of the establishment of the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection’s (BSMI) smart water meter verification and type approval  testing system, as well as the contents of the mechanical performance testing equipment for water meters. This serves as a reference basis for the design of subsequent system establishment.
79 Uncertainty evaluation report of ultrasonic gas meter type approval test system (2.5 m3/h~6 m3/h) The uncertainty evaluation results of the ultrasonic gas meter difference test can be used to confirm the reliability level and quality of the laboratory test results, and can be used to evaluate whether the test piece meets the acceptable tolerance range.
80 Ultrasonic Gas Meter Type Approval Technology Verification Report The government is currently promoting smart metering and working on the integration of communication formats for three types of meters. Among them, residential gas meters can only be operated using the membrane gas flowmeter with an additional device, lacking options for other gas flowmeters. However, Japan developed residential ultrasonic gas meters with the latest technology and electronic communication capabilities under government leadership 18 years ago. These meters are prepared to replace traditional membrane gas flowmeters, suggesting that ultrasonic gas meters may become an option for future smart metering applications in the country.
In response to this potential development need, this report focuses on testing six items specified in OIML R137-1&2 for the evaluation of ultrasonic gas meters. It also includes tasks related to the inventory of ultrasonic gas meters testing technology and the drafting of certification standards in accordance with the legal metrology plan for the years 112 to 113. This work aims to establish comprehensive certification standards for residential ultrasonic gas meters.
81 「Smart Water Meter Verification Inspection and Type Approval Test System-System」-Original factory report and Calibration Report. The purpose of this project is to build a Verification Inspection and Type Approval Test System for smart water meters. The systems can use computerized automatic control. The System complies with the water meter verification inspection and measurement performance test required for type certification of OIML R49 (-1,-2,-3):2013. The System can be performed at a permanent flow rate of 1.6 m3/h至1000 m3/h. According to the water meter type and diameter, to regulate R(Q3/Q1)=160、250、315、400(Extra). So, the working flow rate range could be from 0.0156 m3/h to 1250 m3/h.
This technical information provides original factory reports and domestic flow meter calibration reports for 14 Coriolis flowmeters.
82 Instrument Certification Technique for Preparation of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in Methanol — Gravimetric Method This document provides the operation procedures and matters of notice for preparation and concentration verification of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in methanol by using Mettler Toledo XP205 balance system.
During weighing, the mass of preparation bottle can be obtained from the balance system using ABA substitution method. Same procedures are applied to measure the weights of preparation bottle before and after the content adding. Then the mass of adding content can be calculated out. This document is part of Gravimetric Environmental Hormone Supply and Concentration Certification System (C12).
83 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Preparation of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in Methanol — Gravimetric Method This document provides the laboratory colleagues as the reference to use Mettler Toledo XP205 balance system for measuring the mass of adding di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and methanol, calculate the concentration of solution and evaluate its expanded uncertainty. The weighing capability of XP205 can achieve 220 g and has a readability of 0.00001 g. In practical weighing, the ABA substitution method is adopted to do mass comparison between the sample bottle (S) and the reference bottle (R). After several times of repeated weighing, we can calculate the mass difference between the sample bottle and the reference bottle (S - R) and its standard deviation of mean value. Follow the same procedures, we can accurately calculate the mass difference before (S0 - R) and after (S1 - R) solute adding, and the mass difference before (S0 - R) and after (S2 - R) solution adding. Then the mass of adding solute, adding solution and the measurement uncertainties can be calculated. The main factors contributed to the system expanded uncertainty are the uncertainties of solute mass, solution mass and solute concentration. The system belongs to the Gravimetric Environmental Hormone Supply and Concentration Certification System (C12). The service of the system is showed in the following table.
84 Evaluation Report for Concentration Verification, Homogeneity, and Stability of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in Methanol Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) is applied for concentration verification, homogeneity evaluation, and stability evaluation of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate in methanol. The accuracy of concentration was confirmed and checked by comparing the gravimetric concentration value with the analysis value obtained from verification. In addition, we can confirm the homogeneity and stability from the concentration verification. The analysis system belongs to Gravimetric Environmental Hormone Supply and Concentration Certification System (C12), which provides service of Primary Reference Material (PRM) to calibration laboratories and testing laboratories. The service of the system is showed in the following table.
85 Measurement System Validation Procedure for Formaldehyde Gas Analyzer Calibration System This document includes the procedure for the assessment of formaldehyde sensor or analyzer with a dynamic dilution system. This document provides concepts for the evaluation of uncertainties of validation processes performed in our laboratory.  According to the validation method and the corresponding mathematical formula between concentration and associated variables, the components of uncertainty include: 1) standard uncertainty of permeation rate of paraformaldehyde permeation tube, 2) standard uncertainty of moisture permeation from the paraformaldehyde permeation tube, 3) standard uncertainty of molar volume,  4) standard uncertainty of flow rate, 5) standard uncertainty of formaldehyde molar mass. We explains how to evaluate each items listed above, to set the validation range, and to estimate the expanded uncertainty of our system. This document is used as a reference guide for whom that requests our validation services. The procedure can be applied to the validation of formaldehyde sensor or analyzer within the range shown in the range of 1 to 10 ppm.
86 Research Report of International  Fire Protection Project Certification Scheme for Energy Storage Sites In view of promoting green energy and net-zero emission policies, Taiwan Power Company has launched a power trading platform since 2021 in response to the integration of renewable energy into the grid, and purchased energy storage to provide auxiliary services to stabilize the grid. As of September 2022, more than 4,700 MW of energy storage equipment have been applied for grid connection. With the increase in the proportion of renewable energy power generation, Taiwan Power Company has revised its energy storage devices and procurement capacity targets to 1,000 MW to stabilize power grids. However, there is no energy-storage-system project certification procedure in Taiwan, which is critical to the safety of energy storage systems and the implementation of policies. It is urgent to develop an energy-storage-system project certification procedure to ensure the safety of large-scale energy storage systems.
This report collects energy storage site fire protection project cerification schemes in Europe, the United States, Japan, Korea and other countries or places, such as International Fire Code (IFC), NFPA 855 and KFS 412, etc. This report also analyzes energy storage systems fire safety regulations and fire protection project cerification scheme practices for energy storage sites, including capacity limits, fire safety distances, fire protection requirements, etc., are used as a reference for future improvement of energy storage systems including fire protection project cerification energy, and reduce the risk of large-scale energy storage site fires risk.
87 Research Report of International Project Certification Bodies and Personnel Training Scheme for Energy Storage Systems In view of promoting green energy and net-zero emission policies, Taiwan Power Company has launched a power trading platform since 2021 in response to the integration of renewable energy into the grid, and purchased energy storage to provide auxiliary services to stabilize the grid. As of September 2022, more than 4,700 MW of energy storage equipment have been applied for grid connection. With the increase in the proportion of renewable energy power generation, Taiwan Power Company has revised its energy storage devices and procurement capacity targets to 1,000 MW to stabilize power grids. However, there is no energy-storage-system project certification procedure in Taiwan, which is critical to the safety of energy storage systems and the implementation of policies. It is urgent to develop an energy-storage-system project certification procedure to ensure the safety of large-scale energy storage systems.
This report collects and researches international project certification schemes and the training systems for international project certification bodies and personnel. This report can be a reference for establishing domestic ESS project certification bodies and personnel so that the accredited service of project certification can be provided to domestic EES stakeholders in response to the demand of EES construction for 1,000 MW ancilliary service to Taiwan Power Company by 2025 and the application for ancilliary service of ESS for power transmission and distribution in order to fully guarantee the safety of energy storage systems.
88 Research report of the setting plan for the energy storage system for daily use and emergency power In view of promoting green energy and net-zero emission policies, Taiwan Power Company has launched a power trading platform since 2021 in response to the integration of renewable energy into the grid, and purchased energy storage to provide auxiliary services to stabilize the grid. As of September 2022, more than 4,700 MW of energy storage equipment have been applied for grid connection. With the increase in the proportion of renewable energy power generation, Taiwan Power Company has revised its energy storage devices and procurement capacity targets to 1,000 MW to stabilize power grids.
In addition, in order to strengthen the resilience of the regional power grid, the Ministry of Economic Affairs promoted the energy storage plan of the regional power grid in August 2022. Energy storage systems can connetct to the grid and also serve as a regional micro-grid system that can operate independently for a period of time as emergency power. However, we are at the beginning stage of developing energy storage systems used as emergency power supplies. There is no example of energy storage systems as emergency power in Taiwan.
In the research report, we collect cases of energy storage systems used as emergency power in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, and study the configuration of these systems in the countries. Based on the result of the study, we evaluate possible domestic installation methods and provide a suggestion for setting energy storage systems used as emergency power.
89 Research and Revision Suggestion Report of Industry Standards for Emergency Power Supply In view of promoting green energy and net-zero emission policies, Taiwan Power Company has launched a power trading platform since 2021 in response to the integration of renewable energy into the grid, and purchased energy storage to provide auxiliary services to stabilize the grid.
In addition, in order to strengthen the resilience of the regional power grid, the Ministry of Economic Affairs promoted the energy storage plan of the regional power grid in August 2022. Energy storage systems can connetct to the grid and also serve as a regional micro-grid system that can operate independently for a period of time as emergency power. However, there are no formal regulations or standards in Taiwan at present related to the safety of energy storage systems as emergency power supply. It is urgent to develop applicable standards for ESS used in emergency power supply systems to ensure the power systems and civil safety.
In this report, we collect and analyze the international applicable standards of energy storage systems for emergency power supply, as a reference for the revision of industry standards for emergency power supply. In addition, we collect relevant laws and regulations adopted by countries or places such as Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea, and analyze the indoor and roof installation requirements of energy storage systems. Eventually, we evaluate the applicability of the industry standard, and propose amendments to the content of the emergency power industry standard.
90 FY112 Project of Applicable Standards Evaluation for Energy Storage System Used in Emergency Power Systems – Final Report In view of promoting green energy and net-zero emission policies, Taiwan Power Company has launched a power trading platform since 2021 in response to the integration of renewable energy into the grid, and purchased energy storage providing auxiliary services to stabilize the grid. In addition, in order to strengthen the resilience of the regional power grid, the Ministry of Economic Affairs promoted the energy storage plan of the regional power grid in August 2022. Energy storage systems can connetct to the grid and also serve as a regional micro-grid system that can operate independently for a period of time as emergency power. However, there are currently no formal regulations or standards in Taiwan related to the safety of energy storage systems as emergency power supplies. It is urgent to develop applicable standards to ensure the safety of the power system and the public.
In this project, we analyze relevant standards and regulations, evaluate the applicability of the industrial standards and propose revision suggestions. We also investigate the international configurations of energy storage systems as emergency power, and propose a suitable domestic configuration of energy storage systems for daily use and emergency power.
91 FY111~FY112 Project of Development of Project Certification Scheme for Energy Storage Systems - Final Report In view of promoting green energy and net-zero emission policies, Taiwan Power Company has launched a power trading platform since 2021 in response to the integration of renewable energy into the grid, and purchased energy storage to provide auxiliary services to stabilize the grid. As of September 2022, more than 4,700 MW of energy storage equipment have been applied for grid connection. With the increase in the proportion of renewable energy power generation, Taiwan Power Company has revised its energy storage devices and procurement capacity targets to 1,000 MW to stabilize power grids. However, there is no energy-storage-system project certification procedure in Taiwan, which is critical to the safety of energy storage systems and the implementation of policies. It is urgent to develop an energy-storage-system project certification procedure to ensure the safety of large-scale energy storage systems.
This project will establish a domestic outdoor energy storage system project cerification capacity and scheme, and plan the energy storage system information security monitoring and detection capacity in advance, in order to improve the domestic energy storage system standards, testing capacity and cerification capacity  in the future, and assist the energy storage system safety and development of domestic energy storage system industry.
92 Research report on international standards and
testing methodology of hydrogen dispenser
The content of this research report is based on the international standards and testing methods of hydrogen dispenser, which are the main key equipment in hydrogen refueling stations. Searching and collecting international standards from various countries to understand the national standards and specifications of hydrogen dispenser for test and verification of each unit, to conduct research and analysis on hydrogen dispenser.
93 Research report on international standards and performance
testing methodology of hydrogen leakage detection device
The content of this research report mainly focuses on international standards and performance testing methods of hydrogen leakage detection devices are studied and analyzed. Collecting international standards from various countries to understand the national standards and specifications of hydrogen detector of the test and verification cases of each unit.
94 Research report on international standards and performance testing methodology of container/tube/valve for hydrogen use The content of this research report mainly focuses on international standards and performance testing methods of container/tube/valve for hydrogen use are studied and analyzed. Collecting international standards from various countries to understand the national standards and specifications of container/tube/valve for hydrogen use of the test and verification cases of each unit.