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Optoelectronic Measurement and Sensing Technology Laboratory

Highlight/Core Technology

Fabrication of a 100 GHz mode-locked fiber laser with a laser-coupled microresonator

Fabrication of a 100 GHz mode-locked fiber laser with a laser-coupled microresonator


Measuring the frequency-stabilized laser with a high repetition rate optical comb to realize the definition of Meter

Measuring the frequency-stabilized laser with a high repetition rate optical comb to realize the definition of Meter


The Laboratory has established several measurement standards. The established systems provide complete calibration services to the local industry, including illumination, total luminance flux, spectoradiometry, colorimetry, absolute radiometry, transmittance, reflection, and frequency stabilized laser.

In addition to calibration systems, the measurement technologies for flat panel displays (FPDs), light-emitting diodes (LEDs), high-precision and long-distance absolute distance measurement, fiber-coupled micro-resonator for radio over fiber communication technology, and micro-scale sheet resistance imaging technology are established to provide measurement services for the industrial demands.

Calibration and Measurement Capabilities, CMCs

Since 2004, the calibration and measurement capabilities (CMCs) in the areas of Photometry & Radiometry (PR), have been incorporated in BIPM's key comparison database (KCDB.).  It declares that our CMC's have gained international recognition and its availability of offering measurement service worldwide.

Research Projects

  • Development of high-resolution THz in-line transparent conductive film sheet resistance imaging technology.
  • Development for high-precision 3D LiDAR (light detection and ranging) technology
  • LED transfer standard development for photometry and colorimetry
  • Development of µ-LED measurement technology
  • Solid-state lighting (SSL) measurement techniques
  • Establish UV detector absolute responsivity standard
  • Development of sensing technology for EUV source
  • Establish Spectral radiant flux measurement system
  • Development of All-PM (polarization maintaining) femtosecond fiber laser

Spectral scattering measurement system
Spectral scattering measurement system


Spectral irradiance measurement system
Spectral irradiance measurement system


All-PM femtosecond fiber laser
All-PM femtosecond fiber laser

Work focus

  • Establishment and maintenance for the optical radiation and frequency stabilized laser measurement standards
  • Measurement technique and instrument development for optical radiation and frequency stabilized laser measurement

Technical Services

  • Optical radiation and frequency stabilized laser measurement/calibration service
  • Consultancy services for establishing optical radiation and frequency stabilized laser measurement laboratories and their quality systems
  • Services for developing measurement systems and techniques on optical radiation and frequency stabilized laser measurement.
  • THz spectroscopy and imaging system establishment service
  • Microscale sheet resistance imaging service
  • Sub-micron level long distance calibration technology establishment and traceability services
  • Fiber coupled microresonator fabrication service
  • Fabrication of portable femtosecond fiber laser comb with repetition rate from 50 MHz up to 500 MHz