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Precision Mechanical Metrology Research Laboratory


Coordinate Measuring Machine Calibration:

Calibrator- Etalon LaserTRACER
Calibrator- Etalon LaserTRACER 
Measurement in operation
Measurement in operation 

Gauge Block Calibration by Interferometer:

Gauge Block Interferometer
Gauge Block Interferometer
 Frequency Stabilized Lasers
Frequency Stabilized Lasers
 Temperature Stabilization Chamber

Temperature Stabilization Chamber


One of the main responsibilities of the Laboratory is to maintain and improve dimensional standards according to National Measurement Laboratory program. In addition to calibration activities, the lab also carries out research and development pertaining to dimensional metrology. Since 2004, the calibration and measurement capability of PMM lab has been listed in the KCDB (key comparison database) of the BIPM.

Research Projects

To help the development of the industry towards Industrial 4.0, the lab is currently undertaking the following research topics:  coordinate metrology technology including contact and non-contact, 3D free form metrology, self-tracking laser interferometry, in-line measurement and calibration, and digital transformation (“calibrated” digital twins) for IoT and AI etc.  Main equipment include:

  • Coordinate measuring machine (Leitz, PMM-C Ultra)
  • Self-tracking laser interferometer (Etalon, LaserTRACER)
  • High precision self-calibration rotation table (under construction)
  • High precision freeform optics  (Taylor Hobson, Talysurf PGI Freeform) (under construction)

LEFT:CMM  /  Right:Self-tracking Laser Interferometer
Left:CMM  /  Right:Self-tracking Laser Interferometer


  1. Maintaining and disseminating dimensional standards according to National Measurement Laboratory program.
  2. Developing precision measurement technology and standards for smart machinery industry.
  3. Executing technology R&D projects and contracting service projects pertaining to precision dimensional and geometrical measurement and calibration.
  4. Conducting international standard traceability, comparison and mutual recognition.

Technical Service

Dimensional standards and calibration services:

  • Currently up to 27 dimensional calibration systems available for industrial services.
  • The systems will be enhanced and extended accordingly to serve the needs of the industry.

Machine tools and work pieces measurement and calibration services:

  • Contact and non-contact CMM measurement and calibration
  • 5-axis machine tools in-line dimensional measurement
  • Freeform measurement


  • Dimensional measurement and calibration such as precision measurement of moving tables, customized AOI measurement standards and step gauges.
  • Planning, quality assurance system development and accreditation training for dimensional measurement laboratories.
  • Geodetic measurement, gravitation measurement and geography information collection and application.