Technical Introduction
1. Trace-moisture measurement
The optical cavity ring-down spectrometer (CRDS) traceable to Trace-moisture Primary Standard of National Metrology Institute of Japan, is used to trace-moisture analysis (ppb level).
2. FTIR analysis
Most gas molecules absorb the energy of a specific infrared light wavelength, which can be used for unknown impurity identification. FTIR can measure process gas on-site to monitor the process gas composition and concentration real-time changes.
3. Mass spectrum analysis
Unknown impurities can be identified because different gas samples generate specific mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) ions through electron impact. With chromatography and pre-concentration systems, the impurity concentration down to sub ppb level can be analyzed.
Application Field
With spectroscopy and mass spectrometry systems, the impurity concentration down to sub ppb level can be analyzed. The application fields include: food inspection, inspection of harmful substance residues in food raw materials, inspection of breathing gas in the cabin, etc.
Hsin-Wang Liu, Tel:+886-3-5732938;
Date posted: Aug 2022